A Psalm… ‘The Latter Rain’

Lo… and there I did see the winds gather, and the rain began to fall… The latter rain… a refreshing breeze, upon the dry earth did blow… From beyond the horizon I did see… a multitude rise up, with great tumult, too stand erect. There in their midst, I did spy… glories banner lifted high… And with a mighty cry… a voice did shout… Give me liberty or give me death… but ne’er more, hold me as the dead… without hope.

For with unwaivering faith… the righteous stand… Their arms burnished, hand in hand, against the foe… There, lightning braces the sky… Here voices cry… freedom, shall not die… For who, should know… where comes this strength… this hidden wind, of revival… in their soul?

Once, I did see… only to stumble. Once I did faint… but never, to… fall. Now, from the hand of another… Now, faith doth shelter me… from evils all. Here, America stands, tall… Her head held high, her feet firmly planted… There, she shall never… fall. For, this great woman, of strength did not give birth, too children lightly… given over. Nay, she hath but yet begun, to resist… the wayward tug of lesser men… whose only thought, is of their… need.

For out of the furnace of affliction… came the multitude of her strength… too, resist the immoral legions of hells own… hand. Christian’s everyone…too, stand. For God did not give us this land… too, faint before the cowards… brace. Nay stand tall everyone… hand in hand. Purge out the wayward soul, whose thoughts rage with torrid and bitter waters… Be renewed, ye of faith… Know that grace yet unfettered… yonder stands… With, Blood soaked hands… There, to embrace… There, too set loose the way ward soul.

Let go, the bands of fear… that hold now… these hearts so, dear. Let loose the torrid guise, with hopes, lost long… now, renewed. For out of the East blows the Wind… and comes now, the rain…. the latter rain. Once more too refresh the Land… to, bring joy too the children of man…

Yea, once more, too open the door… too show the way… where greatness lives and prosperity abounds… There the Master found… Take heart in Him and live again. Lo the Wind doth… blow and the rain… begins. The latter rain. Amen.


About usar4me

Retired US Army Colonel... Christian, married with two wonderful daughters and granddaughters.
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3 Responses to A Psalm… ‘The Latter Rain’

  1. Brenda says:

    Love it .. is the Lord speaking "books"? will you publish any of this?

  2. Ronald says:

    No, Brenda… I have no plans for a book. But, those who so dearly read the Words given, I freely give… of the bounty of the Lord, for all too eat. Let not this word go unheard, but resound in the minds and hearts of millions round… That all may be refreshed and renewed… no more too question the sound of God\’s own voice…For He speaks to those who have an ear to hear… too, them He gives a refreshing breeze; that, in times of sorrow they may seize… upon His Glory to rest in Him. Amen

  3. usar4me says:

    oft, now comes the sound of glory… wind and rain and God’s own story… told, with power, given over as our strong tower. Here we rest from the weary toil of the wolrd… too, be refreshed, renewed too drink of the latter rain. Come again, and again… drink your fill for with each day your way is made clear… God holds us dear and will never let us fall… He alone is able to preserve us all. God Bless.

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